Thursday, January 3, 2008

Coming in February - TCM

I found another movie to add to the "to be seen" list:

"Foreign Correspondent", 1940 directed by Alfred Hitchcock
It is playing on TCM on Feb.6, 2008 5:45 ( not sure if am or pm) ET

"Once Upon A Honeymoon" is playing on 2/13/08 at 10:15 am ET

"Ninotchka" is playing on 2/20/08 at 4:00 pm ET

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I saw "Ninotchka" today. I don't remember ever seeing it before and I am glad I had the chance to see it.

Most of it takes place in Paris. I did not recognize the base of the Eiffel Tower. They either they were not careful with the set, or it changed quite a bit in 30 years.

I thought I recognized the Grand Duchess Swana and when I looked her up, it turns out that she played Irene's role in the 1929 version of "The Awful Truth."

Ninotschka is so stern until something silly makes her laugh. Then there is a kind of transformation.

That reminded me of Irene's transformation in "The Secret of Madame Blanche" in reverse.

I enjoyed this movie. Did anyone else see it?